Never Make These 5 Cash Handling Mistakes

Never Make These 5 Cash Handling Mistakes

Cash handling comes with a lot of responsibility. Cash must be handled properly to ensure that your company doesn’t lose money as a result of costly mistakes. Do you find that you think you are doing everything right, yet your business is still experiencing losses due...
Stop Making These 5 Cash Handling Mistakes

Stop Making These 5 Cash Handling Mistakes

Outwardly, many of the most common cash handling mistakes can seem like wise business decisions. They seem to be effective ways of increasing efficiency and decreasing costs, and are undertaken by business owners in an honest attempt to help their businesses grow. In...
3 Myths About the Costs of Handling Cash

3 Myths About the Costs of Handling Cash

Handling cash seems simple in principle: your business accepts cash currency, provides change, and your staff balances each till at the end of the day. However, when you break down those steps and consider the labour that goes into each one as well as the potential...
3 Trends in Retail Cash Automation

3 Trends in Retail Cash Automation

The retail industry is fraught with cash management issues. Due to the fact that cash is the prevailing method of choice for small purchases, retailers must handle large volumes of coins and bank notes. As a result, their labour costs increase, their risks of employee...